Hello Welcome to my portfolio! I am a passionate Computer Science Student at Western Governors University, everyday is a new adventure through my course studies. I am extremely enthusiastic about Software and DevOps Engineering. I have a strong love for solving logical challenges and implementing automation sparks joy in my blood.
I choose Computer Science because of my enthusiastic passion for Logical-challanges, and my interest in Computers. I knew that this the CS degree was the one for me, especially being Western Governors toughest degree, I knew I had to take on the challange.
This is my Software I Project written in Java 8 and JavaFX for the interface. The project was based on a real life work scenario, where we needed to design a method that will enhance the current company software for adding, deleting and modifying. We followed the Main, Controller, View Framework(MCV) for our file structure, and practiced coding standards for Public and Abstract classes. I can not post this project due to school rules, but it is on a private repository that I can email to you.
This is a project I did to in order to grasp an understanding of Docker. Following along through the Docker and Kubernetes: The Complete Guide was a phenomenal experience with Stephen Grider. It began with bare bones development of Docker from scratch through, CLI, building some custom Docker images, with purposeful bugs through out the creation process in order to help pin point, and understand solutions for common issues when utilizing Docker. Leading us to implementation of a Continious Integration and Continious Development Pipeline with Travis-CI and AWS. Utilizing Node-npm in order to test for functionality before the live deployment into AWS.
View ProjectThis was my highschools final project, and my first development of a game. Utilized Python with PyGame module. Created my own replica of an Arcade game known as Cosmic Defender, this was extremely fun and enjoyable.
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